	WordCram and Processing code, from web url http://www..jamiegriffihts.com/blog</p>
	WordCram and Processing code, from web url http://www..jamiegriffihts.com/blog</p>

WordCram and Processing code, from web url http://www..jamiegriffihts.com/blog

Go to WordCram's website to download and install the WordCram library for Processing, following the tutorial there.

Then paste this code below into a new Processing Sketch. 


import wordcram.*;

size(1200, );

 * There are a few different ways to load text.
 * WordCram will parse out the words, count them
* up, and render more-frequent words bigger than
* less-frequent ones.
* Try un-commenting some of the methods below.
* (If more than one is uncommented, only the last
* one will have an effect.)

new WordCram(this)

