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LA WEFAN MANIGUA is an interactive sculptural installation with sound and video projections, created by jamie griffiths, Rob Scharein and Diego Samper. It is intended for outdoor installation in urban/wild settings. If a park visitor settles into the area quietly, the sounds of the Amazon at dusk become audible, gradually merging with the ambient sounds of the urban park. The soundscape is derived from field recordings of the Colombian Amazon forest, river ecology and indigenous peoples. If the visitor remains quiet, they experience a 30 minute audio immersion into a rainforest ecology many thousands of miles away in the Colombian Amazon, interspersed with the sounds of a tribal village. Fireflies created from light, emerge at dusk to swarm in the trees around 'vines' made from felted wool with a jute core. The vines are loosely gathered together... 'woven'... to represent both the commodification of nature and the unity of natural ecosystems.