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Bioremedial Ecoart: Intro

Monday July 9, 6:30pm-9:30pm
Room A229, Langara College
Registration Number (CRN): 60822

An introduction to Bioremedial practice in Ecological Art. Beginning with an exploration of what makes a practice or work “Ecological”, rather than “Environmental” Art, we will take a close look at some significant projects, engage in discussion, and consider how this kind of work might be implemented locally.


Wild in the City: Drawing, Nature, and Knowledge

Wednesday July 11, 10:00am-5:00pm
At the Stanley Park Ecology Society
Registration Number (CRN): 60838

Early natural historians explored their immediate world by not only collecting specimens, but also through careful observation and drawing. This workshop explores the practice of drawing as observation and “deep engagement” with our environment, nurturing valuable connection with and knowledge of the wild in the city. We also consider drawing as research method. Offered in partnership with the Stanley Park Ecology Society.


Arts Collaborative Green Infrastructure: An Intensive Workshop

Thursday & Friday, July 12-13
Room A229, Langara College
Registration Number (CRN): 60842

Learn the value of collaborative, arts-collaborative, community-embedded “green” infrastructure. Through presenting ideas and examples of existing works and practices in arts-collaborative sustainable infrastructure design, this intensive 2-day workshop will explore how these collaborative projects break new ground and can contribute to community resilience. We will consider local applications of these ways of working, and collectively brainstorm designs for a local site, or sites.